The Challenge
In June 2018, online sports betting became legal in New Jersey. Since then, there has been a rise in advertising for gaming sites and an increased risk for residents who may not know the potential consequences of convenient online betting. Because of this, the NJ DGE needed to raise awareness of the risks associated with sports wagering and online gaming and educate individuals on responsible gaming practices.
The Solution
The campaign had two goals: to give people the information and resources they need to play more responsibly and to motivate behavior change through engagement with these resources. NJ residents were targeted, with a focus on young men aged 18–24. Social and digital were utilized most, as a majority of gamblers prefer to place bets on a mobile platform. In-app messaging and bar screens were also employed in an attempt to reach gamers when they were actively gaming. This resulted in a 127% increase in web traffic when media spending was at its peak and over 6 million social impressions.
The creative draws inspiration from the bright lights of Atlantic City. If eye-catching neon graphics and punchy headlines are effective forms of advertising for casinos and betting sites, they should also be successful in reaching their target demographic with responsible gaming messages. 

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